Saturday, 5 May 2012


Pondok Besan Homestay
Ph : +62 857 29 8989 18, 
       +62 85 2929 45946,
       +62 813 919 81 888 

Thursday, 3 May 2012

About Us

If you are looking for a homestay or villa in Wonosobo, Central Java Province, Indonesia, you have come to the right place. Located in the second of travel destination in Central Java, Pondok Besan Homestay  offering one stop tourist service. 
The view from Pondok Besan Homestay is nothing less than picture perfect, entering a world coloured by calming mountains vistas (mount Sindoro and Sumbing).  We are located less than three and a half hour away from the Adisucipto Airport of Yogyakarta. Our benefits  is that Pondok Besan Homestay have many place of tourist object nearby.

Whether you are planning an holiday, rafting or family gathering, we’re here as the perfect venue to support your activities throughout our facilities and excellent service.

Experience the naturally calming and refreshing living environment in Pondok Besan Homestay.

Information & Reservation Please Call :
+62 85 7 29 8989 18 or 
+62 85 2929 45 9 46

Address :
Manggisan Indah Blok P/16 
Wonosobo City, Central Java Province

Tuesday, 1 May 2012


The name, Dieng Plateau derives from Sansekerta word, "Di" means highland or mountain and "Hyang" means Heaven. So that Dieng can be interpreted as a mountain range where God and Goddess resides. Which means "ABODE OF THE GODS".
It is placed at 2.093 m above sea level, it was cool enough there because the temperature about 10 - 15'C. Dieng is coming from Javanese language that mean Beautiful and Unique more over it is different from others. Most of temples in Dieng is Hinduis ancient temple.

Dieng berasal dari bahasa Sansekerta yaitu "Di" yang berarti tempat yang tinggi dan "Hyang" yang berarti Kahyangan. Maka Dieng bisa diartikan pegunungan di mana para Dewa dan Dewi bersemayam.
Terletak di atas ketinggian 2.093 m dpl, mempunyai udara yang sejuk dengan suhu antara 10 - 15'C. Dieng juga diartikan dalam bahasa Jawa "Adi tur Aeng" yang artinya indah dan unik, di mana Dieng mempunyai kelebihan dan perbedaan tersendiri dibanding Kabupaten/Kota lain. Candi-candi di Dieng merupakan candi Hindu tertua di Indonesia.

Tourist Guide & Accommodation Please Call :
+62 857 29 8989 18